Oh, I know I owe you

Okay, all I can say is that I am in a very unhappy place right now. And I am trying all the usual crap to get out.....it is just a state of mind and all. Yes, I read The Secret, well, skimmed through it if you must know.

Let's just say "choosing to be happy" has worked better before. :) So I promise that I will be back very soon, cause I don't want to post anything while I am feeling worthless.

BTW - check out DavisGraveyard.com for cool picture of our highly successful (fun) tombstone making class later tomorrow (we got even more photos!!!) That is a happy thing.

So I will leave you with this image, it explains me right now p-e-r-f-e-c-t-l-y!


Yes, we all should be scared :)


  1. I don't think The Secret addresses visits from the Poo Man. When the Poo Man cometh, he throweth his poo onto you, and you shall smelleth of poo on most high. No amount of chocolate could save such a soul...(sigh)
    Perhaps he passed quietly into the night.


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