A Davis Graveyard secret

For anyone that has ever wondered about all the cool accents on the Davis Graveyard tombstones here is the skinny.
I kinda cheat. :) My brother has a business that makes decorative accents for homes and commercial buildings.

He has given my boxes of them and I have access to the moulds and a two part expanding foam if I want to make more.

Sometimes, if I am really lucky, like this weekend, my brother brings me over some really cool piece like the ones you see it this box. They are from a shipment that was damaged, so he gave them to me. Yippee!!

I put part of one on the base for the nuangel. I added a small skull in the middle that I forgot to take a picture of that makes this look even cooler.

So, to help my karma, I am going to offer up a small box of (resin) decorative accents to one blogger. Just comment on this post and you will be entered to win - I will draw a winner on Monday, September 21.

I will try to fit one of these in the box - but it might be in pieces, but you can easily glue them together when you attach them to the prop.

Note to the winner: they are attached with polyurethane construction adhesive, which takes about 24 hours to dry. They are a bit heavy (the resin ones that I will be shipping) so make sure they are secured well before you paint them. I usually use finish nails to hold them in place until the glue dries.

Good luck everyone!


  1. I was just looking at one of my tombstones and thinking that I need a little architechtural love for it. You need to give me these- LOooooooOOOook into my EEEEeeeEEEyyyyeeees. The details MMMMUuuusssst gooo to SHELLLLLLLLHawwwkk!

  2. What a great tip. Super helpful even if I don't win, I have some direction now! Thank you for sharing a trade secret. We were probably going to start sculpting by hand!

  3. Nice decorative accent. They definitively looks great on a gravestone and I could even have a use for it in my house... maybe in the family room of in the victorian/gothic inspired home theater. The possibilities are endless :-)

  4. Those are AWESOME! :) Love!

    Consider me entered! :)

  5. Great tip! How fortunate you are to have a brother with that kind business. :0)

  6. That is awesome! What a lucky girl you are! I think I'll adopt your brother so that I can get cool stuff too!!! =)

  7. How incredibly cool! That is so very generous of you to give these away not to mention that your blog is just awesome!!

  8. I was actually thinking of using that type of thing to spice up my kitchen cabinets.. they are so plain and bland.

  9. Who could ever blame you? Those accents would take at least double the time as the entire piece itself! Found art is still art ;)

  10. Ever since I took your workshop, I can't stop trying to think up new epitaphs. So now I need to make tombstones to put them on. So now I need architectural details for the tombstones. Sure hope I win them! Thanks for sharing all your expertise. My friends look at my headstone and think I'm some kind of artistic genius now.

  11. that's really cool and a very awesome giveaway!

  12. You are the coolest; that's a great cheat!

  13. That's not cheating, that's just using all your resources! They look really nice!

  14. very clever! i am learning so much from my crafty blogger friends

  15. Omigosh, I almost missed this one by being on vacation!!! Ugh!! I have my fingers crossed, what a cool treat!!


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