To keep the

crows away is their original intent. I have to say it worked for this guy, not a crow bothered me the whole time I have been working on him. Could also be that Hal (our cat) was sitting on a chair a few feet away. :)

When making a new scarecrow I decided against making one the same as the one that I gave away a while back - I know if I even tried to recreate that would not be the same and it would just serve to remind me how stupid I was to get rid of it in the first place :)

This time I went for something more traditional. I should have it finished and in the garden this weekend.

Notice the demon up in the window checking him out.


  1. I really love this scarecrow, how did you create the skull look? Is there a skull underneath the burlap?

  2. Yes, I used a foam bucky skull, then took burlap and 90 second epoxy. I put the epoxy where I wanted the burlap to stick and pushed it down into the crevics with a stick.

    I will post how to pictures when I get it up in the yard this weekend.


  3. Do you mind if I steal the idea? I have decided on a haunted pumpkin patch as my first real theme. I would love to have a scarecrow like this in the yard.

  4. that scarecrow is scarier than the scarecrow in the Batman movie.

    great job as usual and a really cool idea.

  5. Borrow away!! I will post more pictures tonight or Thrusday so you can see how it is done.


  6. Thank you very much, I really appreciate the help.

  7. Hey! Eyes on your own prop building page!

    I'm in the midst of putting together a scarecrow as well. My first! Can't find burlap for the life of me, so I've been thinking of different ways to create the skin.

  8. Ghoul Friday - I have found burlap at Lowe's, Home Depot and the fabric stores. I'm in the south, so maybe it is more prevalent.

  9. Thanks CB. I've circled the local Home Depot a few times with no luck. Will check out another location and pop into Lowe's.

  10. Ha, I'm working on something with a face just like that right now... I stole my idea from Grimvisions.

  11. Do you know how to count crows... and what they mean? LOL look it up, or search my blog in years back an it gives you the whole thing...
    I think I remember some
    one for a girl
    two for a boy
    three for sadness
    four for joy..... and it goes on, even if my memory doesn't. LOL

  12. Great scarecrow!

    GF I saw it at Lowes but the fabric store had different shades and weaves of burlap.

  13. Now that's a creepy scarecrow!


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