It looks like a small

kirk (church/chapel) does it not?

This is actually the mausoleum for the MacGregor clan in Balquhidder, Scotland.  It is behind a stone wall with a locked gate on the way to the grave site of Rob Roy MacGregor.

We learned this, not from our tour guide...but because someone in the crew jumped the fence to take a picture and we are sure that is where he lost his cell phone :(  So when we got back to the flat in Edinburgh, they had to send a few emails to see if anyone could go have a wee look for it.  Sadly, it is likely still on the grounds somewhere.


  1. I'll go look for it! Wow. I could get lost there for days and be wonderfully happy!

  2. It would be cool if a ghost from that family called him up. "I have your phone. Please come get it. FREEDOM!" I had to throw in that Freedom thingy. LOL


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