If you go to HAuNTcon

you can blame Leonard personally for why I have been so absent on the blog scene for a lot longer than I planned.  If it is any consultation.......the program for the convention (which is 60 pages worth!) is frickin' amazing, by the way....and so are the signs and the daily newsletter.....and the Make-N-Takes will be awesome. And what ever else we are doing....I am trying not to think of it, makes my head hurt  :D

No, really, we love LP - great guy and could not find a nice haunt community person to helped.  Truly the Frog Queen is very glad to be part of the whole event.  No thanks necessary......well, except.....

I just expect a well stocked bar at the hospitality suite!! FQ and crew loves their Capitan Morgan (wink, wink!)

Back to all of you!!!

Anyway - big apology to all of you for being such a bad blogger and friend.  I promise to pick up some cool things to give away on my blog when I get back.

And a very, very special "sorry" to Ed Roberts at Nightmare Factory and West Coast Haunters Convention.  I promised to help you a lot more than I have.  When I get back from Hauntcon, the week before your convention (I know I am cutting it close!) I promise to be your slave for a while.  What ever you need, I promise to help.

So, my blogger friends.....I am going to be MIA until late May....but we will be back in full force.  Remember, we are replacing the church facade this year......holy crap that is going to be a task......stick around for a front row seat at our triumph or complete failure that means the end of the Davis Graveyard!  Either way....entertaining blog posts are certain.

BTW - who won the Haunters Video Awards.....I think I remember that project....yeah...I sent an envelope to someone......

....oh look!!! Shinny thing!!



  1. You have more on your plate than I could even imagine.... so it is definitely expected that you will be MIA.... just know how much you will be missed!! Now... BACK TO WORK! ;)


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