My bags are packed

I'm ready to go......

...okay that was really mean of me.  Good luck getting that song out of your head for the rest of the day :D

Off to HAuNTcon!  Will blog, FB and tweet as much as I can about the event.

Just a reminder to anyone that purchases a Home Haunter DVD collection will not ship until after we get back.  I tried to get the cats to it....but no good.  Something about not enough tuna in the world :)


  1. The sad truth is that cats are lazy. They have no intention of working for their upkeep in kibble and litter.

    Enjoy yourself at HauntCon!

  2. Have a great time! Looking forward to all the updates and pics.

  3. How rude of the kitty's. Mine would have agreed to do it, and then after I left he would bury them in the back yard! sigh at least yours were honest!

  4. Hope you have a good, fun, safe trip!


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