So it appears that I rather be killed by and axe murder

then walk through a spider web.

Last night I had a nightmare.

I am just walking through a hedge maze at night during a full moon, as most people do, and all of a sudden I see this HUGE web and spider in my path......

......okay, that is not true, it just sounds better that what really happened,

I kid you not, I was walking through the maze and then out of the corner of my eye I see a spider kinda hanging in front of me off to my left.  Not a particularly big spider mind you, now that I think about it I am not sure if it was a spider, could have been a small leaf or something.....

.....I could have walked around it, or at least tried, but I turned back, just in case it jumped on me (shudder) or something.  Just to be safe.

I turn around and there is a guy running full tilt at me with an axe....again, not true, it was a shovel, but an axe sounds better that what really happened.

Anyway, I turn back around and see the tiny spider, then back around to the axe murder.

I do this several times and cannot bring myself to walk past the spider.

I remember thinking to myself, I am going to die because I am afraid of a spider.

Yep, that was what was going to happen.....

Just saying, thank god for my alarm clock.


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