One of the hardest things I have ever

done is not wrestle the DVD full of photos from Marci when she gave us all a private screening of her photos for Nightmare Factory.  She was under super strict instructions from the very nice producer Alex...not to show them to anyone.

Well, we all know that I am not "anyone" so we got to see them....even before Ed. :D

Sorry Ed....but here they are FINALLY!  Marci's stunning photos of all the awesomeness that is the Nightmare Factory Extreme Home Makeover project.

....thanks to all our friends that we roped into this project.  You represented the Graveyard well....which made it in the credits for about 1/2 I guess we are all due about 14 and a half minutes of fame(or so )!!

Anyway, Marci, being the angel that she is donating all the proceeds of any of the photo sales to Nightmare Factory.  I know what I am buying everyone for Christmas :D

Thanks again Marci and the crew.  We could not have a better group of friends.

What are you still doing here?  Click on this link and check out the pictures!!!


  1. Wow! A lot of those pictures -- with their mixture of deep, rich colors -- look almost like a Thomas Kinkade a creepy sort of haunting, Halloween way! The photographer did an awesome job. Looks terrific!


  2. What a blessing that project will be for years to come, the photos are amazing and I wish I lived closer, wonder if I can talk my husband into a trip out west for our Anniversary next year....It isn't like he would expect anything less from me... I can almost hear him now, "of course you would want to go to a haunted house for our 20th anniversary"

  3. Wonderful collection of photographs...I finally had the chance to watch the episode today on ....the show was very enjoyable and touching but of course I really wanted to see more of the haunted house makeover.

    To the average observer everything would make sense but knowing the amount of work involved in creating a haunt I find it a little sad that everyone involved in transforming The Nightmare Factory did not get recognized...would love to see an hour long version just dedicated to the haunted was nice to see that their attendance has increased dramatically....the folks at the school were very fortunate as are all of you that had a chance to be involved...I'm sure it's a memory that you won't soon forget.

    Thanks for letting us all get a little peek behind the scenes...the haunt looked great and everyone involved should be very proud.

  4. Thanks for sharing these amazing photo's Chris. I agree with Stolloween, I would love to see an episode that was dedicated to everyone who partisipated in the makeover of The Nightmare Factory. I have a small home haunt and I put in a lot of hours like yourself setting up and tearing down, I can't image how many hours and people went into creating this new haunt.


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