
I knew it was going to happen when I looked up the stairs and saw her. And cause I am nice, I wanted Husband to be aware of the impending doom.

"Husband, come look at Dorie"

Peers up the stairs to see her sleeping in a shoe box.

In the the box from my new cute shoes, up at the top of the stairs with about a quarter of the box hanging over the side of the top step. From this vantage point, if she moves just right, the box has fantastic sledding potential.

She blinks at us and goes back to sleep.

Now, we could be nice and walk to the top of the stairs and push the box back a few inches back on to the landing.

Instead, we sit on the couch to watch a movie. Suddenly.....

{Claws in carpet sounds}

and then the sound of shoe box hitting wood floor....

We don't have to get up, we know what just happened.

Those shoes were worth every penny.


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