
Showing posts from March, 2012

I had to go and say

that I would ship anywhere in the world.....and I am. The winner of the Davis Graveyard calendar is Marrow !  Don't thank me...thank Husband, he picked your number.  Cool that one of our calendars is gracing the home of someone in New Zealand!! Send me a email at telling where you would like it shipped and I will get it out to you next week. Congrats my friend!! ...with that done....we are on to a new giveaway tomorrow! Husband and I went shopping at Things From Another World (cause we are lucky to live in the same town as Dark Horse Comics!) we were feeling in a zombie we picked up a few things....and since I am in a get rid of, instead, of get more, mood.  I am going to give them away to you wonderful people. Check back.....I will post it soon.

Looks like one of my minions is....

unhappy! Is he flipping me off?!?!?? #^%$* frogs! Cannot turn your back on them for a moment! He better hope I don't find him....cause, well, he is lucky that I am vegetarian....that and all tree frogs look the same....buggers!!!

Making Monsters

Did I mention that Husband managed to negotiate a deal with Distortions to come to West Coast Haunters Convention! Yep, Ed and his wife Marsha Edmond's from Distortions - who were featured on the Travel Channel show "Making Monsters" will be guest speakers on Saturday, June 2, 2012 at the West Coast Haunters Convention . So excited!!! Book your tickets now....rooms are going fast.

Frog Queen office update

I am never going to finish decorating this place!!! Latest update = the wonderful, beautiful and extremely talented ShellHawk sent me a special surprise in my latest Etsy order from is this amazing photo of her pumpkins.  All glowing and creepy....mood abounds!   One of the walls in my office is just for art that is not about the graveyard, directly - so this found the perfect home. Here is a picture of both walls the left wall is all framed pictures of the graveyard courtesy of the uber talented Marci over at Photocapitvate .   The other wall has just stuff that is part of my Halloween life.....and Shell is definitely part of my Halloween life. See those bare spots....yeah, still have stuff to hang on the walls....this is never going to end!!!

I should give this away

away before the year is over.   I have one left over Davis Graveyard 2011 photo calendar. I know that is a bit made sense to me at the time.  It is infact a 2012 calendar....with Davis Graveyard 2011 pictures in it. Yeah, my logic amazed me sometimes too. Just post a message on this post and I will draw a winner on Thursday, March 29th at 8:00 pm.  I will ship to anywhere in the world! Enjoy everyone, and happy prop building!

You know what I know?

The winners of the Haunters Video Awards . :) (for those of you who have not HAVE to check out the new website!!!!) Actually, after watching the DVD set over and over and over (happily, I might add) I cannot tell you how much I do NOT envy the judges....cause all the submissions are awesome....and those of you that did not submit, your haunts are awesome too! :) Do you want to know who won the 13th Annual Home Haunter Video Awards? ...I bet you do...... :D ....soon my friends....soon, trust will be worth it!!!

I am a sucker for anything

that Calvin and Hobbs. This is awesome!!!

How many times can I say

"thank you"! I want to say a big thanks to Guy at House Bloodthorn , Jean-Francois (aka Pumpkinbrain) and Nic Andrews at Hi-Rez Design for helping us with the Home Haunter DVD collection and Home Haunter Awards websites. I especially love that this is a group effort of home haunters......everyone has been so great about keeping this going and making it continue. So for those of you that have not seen them, there are the links to the two updated websites for Home Haunter DVD Collection And the Haunters Video Awards Thanks everyone for getting the sites the major face lift that they needed. I love the haunting community!! So if you have not ordered your 2011 Home Haunter DVD collection, you can order them now  for $25 plus shipping.  They are in stock and will ship out immediately! Thanks again to everyone - from those who submitted their haunts and those who bought the collection to everyone who helped with the site!...

Well, back in Decmeber

my fantastic sister in law gave me these cool presents for Christmas....I love her as that she is the only family member that actually embraces our Halloween madness and give us Halloween related presents all year!! These are both really cool books.   She said she gave them to me because she loves the artist.... Gris Grimly.   The first one "Sipping Spiders through Straws" is reworded campfire songs that are all revamped for those of us that like creepy! The second one is by the same author....but a twist on Halloween for Christmas.  Santa Claws a Scary Christmas to all. I love how the inside of the cover is like an old ad section from a magazine...all creepy! Yes, I know that I have the best sister in law in the whole world!!! got it right

there were DVDs in the boxes.....for all of you that preordered the Home Haunter DVD collection....they shipped on Friday! Woohoo! They are a great set......if you have not ordered them, do it now.  We have them in stock and can ship them out the next day! Halloween in March - how cool is that!!!???

Guess what is in the boxes


He had it coming

okay...this not Halloween related, but it is frog related. So, I post for you.... how to piss off a frog . Don't try this at home!

Guess what I did last Saturday night

I really doubt that any of you would guess this one. I was the Mrs. Oregon Internationa l beauty pagent. Yep, scary in its own way I guess :D No, I was not in it....if you have seen me you would know that is just never going to happen :) But our good friend Macy was.  She is one of our biggest fans and a HUGE halloween nut. She loves us so much that she purchased our old display items and now has the "Bishop Cemetery" - we all like to call it the Davis Graveyard annex. We adore her.....and we do even more since this mentioned the Davis Graveyard in one of her interview questions!!! ....tell, when something like that has ever happened at a beauty pageant! I would post the interview link here but it is a protected file and the only way to see it is on Facebook. If you are friends with me on can see it. Made my day. 

I just might explode

this is causing a major battle inside my head.... It looks soooo yummy! ....but it is a spider ! ...yummy dessert...... ..... scary spide r..... ......but it is chocolate...... .....yeah, but it is a chocolate  spider .... .....Chocolate! .....SPIDER!!!.... ....the battle rages on.... :D


I love the northwest....not only do we have a great group of  bigfoot hunters....but we love our ghosts - creepy seems to be a good thing. So it comes at no surprise that we have a ghost conference . It is happening this weekend a few miles down the road, how cool is that!?

After all that work

on the Halloween Party invitations and the great work on last years Christmas cards thought I would really come up with something smashing for Christmas last year. You would be wrong. I whimped out and used the photo we took of Stonehenge in the snow last year. It is a lovely picture - and it was a dream being there....but I don't think it translated into a card too well. Husband and I worked on an all-encompassing-audience friendly write up on solstice celebrations throughout the years.  You have to be careful with history, there are some people that are really touchy when you point out that Christmas, as a celebration, is a bit older than they would like to believe. But then those people believe that dinosaur bones are just rock formations. (Yeah, we have a few of those in the family, and they do not particularly like our Halloween obsession.) So I put glitter on the front where the snow can you be offended with a card...

If you were invited

to the Davis Graveyard Halloween party.  You got one of these. For those of you that did not, so sorry....and I thought I would share this years invitation. Thanks to Matt (who has yet to pick a "crew" name) for the great idea of making a pup-up card. He also helped me cut out a LOT of bits of paper and fold them, and glue them together, and then reglue them....and then cut some was a lot of work and a lot of fun. I think he said something about designing a pop-up abbey for this, better get started on that one now!

Free concrete skull

I kinda missed all the excitement about Hauntcast coming back! Woohoo! I so miss that show and am really looking forward to hearing the gang again. ...that is if they can get a few more subscribers. I know, I know, $100 is a lot of money - but it is worth it. That said, I will send the next 5 subscribers a Davis Graveyard concrete candle holder skull and a set of Davis Graveyard prints. Just email me after you subscribe and we will get your free skull out to you! Yep, that is a $35 dollar value...that makes your subscription only $65 - and on top of that you have the chance to win all kinds of cool prizes. Come on people - let's make this happen!! Check out these discounts and raffle items: Subscribers will receive discounts from these great Vendors: Juneau Studios ~  Save $50 of their DVDs. You pay $19.99, retail price $69.99. Receive a $250 certificate for any order of $1150 and save 60% on freight order shipping. DC Props ~ 1...

I am framing things

as fast as I can! Here is the progress so far on the pictures in the office (hum....I need to straighten a few!)  Just ordered some more prints of the yard to fill the empty space. I also brought a banner from out in the yard in for decor.

Oops, I did it again

I really cannot believe I just referenced a Britney, that is a first, and hopefully the last time I do that to all of you on this blog. Anyway - I am in a weird mood at the moment. I have run into what I call "Halloween Politics" again. Some days I feel like I am back in high school!  It has been a while, and I thought I had found a way to deal with know, that time heals all wounds sort of thing. Just when I thought it was over..... I should have known better. Life is a journey and no place or time is ever "safe" That would make life way too boring! A good friend of mine (who I adore) always says "If you don't have anything nice to say.....come sit by me." I laugh at that still, and I used to feel the same way. But these days I ask that if that is the case....go sit with someone else. At least until my sense of humor comes back. Days like these I really appreciate those very wise haunters that stay be...

I have not had a chance to make it to Seattle

But one of our minions brought this back from the Horror Movie exhibit at the Experience Music Project. So of course I framed it and put it in my office! I so want to get up there and see it before it is gone.  Looks like a lot of fun! Can't Look Away - the Lure of Horror Film Yep, I am having way too much fun with my office remodel!

You shall not pass!

My skeleton Domo is enjoying being out of the box and likes my new office, he especially likes yelling at the cats! Now I just got to get the glow-in-the-dark Domo and my life will be complete. See, told you I was having fun with my new office remodel.

Things I do that make husband

just roll his eyes at me :) I put this one one of the walls in my office - been having a great time getting my remodeled office in order.  I am feeling right at home.  Well....actually I am at home! (It says) “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”  - Marilyn Monroe I was going to put some cool Halloween book quote....but I just loved this one makes me smile.