I had to go and say
that I would ship anywhere in the world.....and I am. The winner of the Davis Graveyard calendar is Marrow ! Don't thank me...thank Husband, he picked your number. Cool that one of our calendars is gracing the home of someone in New Zealand!! Send me a email at chris@davisgraveyard.com telling where you would like it shipped and I will get it out to you next week. Congrats my friend!! ...with that done....we are on to a new giveaway tomorrow! Husband and I went shopping at Things From Another World (cause we are lucky to live in the same town as Dark Horse Comics!) we were feeling in a zombie mood....so we picked up a few things....and since I am in a get rid of, instead, of get more, mood. I am going to give them away to you wonderful people. Check back.....I will post it soon.