I had to go and say

that I would ship anywhere in the world.....and I am.

The winner of the Davis Graveyard calendar is Marrow!  Don't thank me...thank Husband, he picked your number.  Cool that one of our calendars is gracing the home of someone in New Zealand!!

Send me a email at chris@davisgraveyard.com telling where you would like it shipped and I will get it out to you next week.

Congrats my friend!!

...with that done....we are on to a new giveaway tomorrow!

Husband and I went shopping at Things From Another World (cause we are lucky to live in the same town as Dark Horse Comics!) we were feeling in a zombie mood....so we picked up a few things....and since I am in a get rid of, instead, of get more, mood.  I am going to give them away to you wonderful people.

Check back.....I will post it soon.


  1. Congrats Marrow!

    Oh,and did I mention I love zombies? Maybe I will send you a blank check to buy me some zombie stuff.(since I live in an area that doesn't have cool stores like that....)

  2. Congrats to the winner! You're a huge fan of frogs!

  3. Thank you so much!!!
    Really, REALLY appreciate your kindness and generosity.

  4. Replies
    1. Sorry you did not win the calendar...how about a glow in the dark zombie...they are coming up next!!



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