Another end of an era

Looks like I sold all the mud men at the West Coast Haunters Convention.
Thanks to Bryan Dorr for the photo~
Anyone that was there knows that we used them all as sign holders (coolest sign holders ever!) so I volunteered to give one away as a raffle prize to raise money for the charity,  and said I would sell the rest......not thinking that anyone would want them.

I wish I had a picture....but trust me when I say it is priceless to see a couple loading two mudmen in the back of their van and figuring how they can make them fit.......I love my Halloween friends!!!

The rest are staying local and going to a haunt in town.......really?  Home Haunter props in a pro haunt....just makes my head spin.

So officially, all of the Davis Graveyard Mud Men are gone.

(Yeah, I gasped too!!!)

They are one of the oldest props in the display...........what have I done!?!?!?

That said....we better get working on making the new version......which are going to rock you world.


  1. Who WOULDN'T want their very own Davis Graveyard Mud Man?

  2. Are your mudmen like the mudmen created by the Malice in the series of books about "The Sharing Knife"????

    1. Nothing that clever....just hooded monks for the church.


  3. I looove that sinister hooded figure.

  4. I'm really looking forward to seeing the new creations. I imagine you had sentimental attachment to the others.

  5. Oh wow! Can't wait to see the new guys. I'm in shock that the old guys are gone!
    Their new owners sure are lucky though! :)


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