And it is time,

time, time.
That you love.
And it is time, time. time.

The crew called this one Death.....but because I am a HUGE Tom Waits fan.

It has always been Time to me.

The things you cannot remember....tell the things you cannot forget......

As soon as I saw the hourglass - his path was clear.

The plaque on the base says "immemorabili tempore" Time Immemorial in Latin
(per Google Translator - which is likely not correct....I look forward to the posts from the latin majors :D)

And Matida asks the sailors are those dreams,  or are those prayers
So just close your eyes, son - this won't hurt a bit

So far this is the best prop we have built all season.  He is a big prop, standing over seven feet tall. (even when is his not on the truly handy wheel platform...make painting a lot easier!  Thanks cute husband!!)

Cannot hardly wait to see him in the yard under proper lighting.

(The daylight does him no favors :)  Trust me, he is pretty cool.)

So put a candle in the window
And a kiss upon his lips
Till the dish outside the window fills with rain
Just like a stranger with the weeds in your heart
And play the fiddler off till I come back again.

And, it's time, time, time.......

A little Tom Waits for you. For those of you paying attention in class....there will be a test pay attention.  Mr. Waits, is indeed the FQs favorite song writer.

For those more contemporary viewers....Tori Amos covered it a few years back.  The contrast in this version is quite amazing......showcases the power of musical interpretation. 


  1. wow...he's gorgeous! love the rolling platform idea as well.

  2. After a certain number of years, daylight does none of us any favours, LOL!

    He is magnificent -- bravo!

  3. He looks fantastic!

    And I agree with Debra. :o)

  4. He is fantastic! You've done a stellar job on this prop. PLEASE takes some pics of him under spooky lighting, I'd love to see the result.

  5. I love it. Cannot wait to see pics of him in your graveyard :)

  6. Woo hoo! Awesome! You know, if you two ever DO get to visit, I will secretly have monster mud projects waiting to be made ;)


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