It has been a while

since I bashed (I mean reviewed) a movie on this site, so imagine my surprise when Andrew at Who Wants Taters??? let me know that I was listed on Total Film site as a blog that does horror reviews.

600 movie bloggers you may have missed (scroll down I am towards the bottom)

For only doing a handful of reviews....that is pretty cool huh?

It is not that I don't watch horror films and want to talk about them, I do, but there are so many very talented, clever and funny bloggers out there that do an excellent job a horror movie review. Each time I think I will put my two cents in, I read on of their unique and entertaining posts and think....yeah, I am soooo not qualified to play in that arena.

I often find after reading most peoples reviews, more often than not find I have the opposite opinion....which just further proves I have business entering that world. Case in point that I seem to be the only person on the planet (or part of a very, very small group) that thought Paranormal Activity was a waste of ......

I think I will stick to Halloween decorations.


  1. Here's another award for you! Can't wait to see the halloween decoratons!

  2. Sorry I missed your Award from Geoff and thanks for the sweet thoughts, I've been helping Uncle Sam with the census this year. Boy are we in trouble with me counting folks, I have had to take my shoes off and use toes. It's keeping me away for my fun job!

  3. Now I gotta see Paranormal Activity....

  4. Quality over quantity Froggie, that is awesome!

  5. I also thought Paranormal Activity was a waste of space. :) Technically. Congrats on the listing! Keep reviewing them.

  6. Well I'm so out of the cool people arena that I haven't even heard of Paranormal Activity, so I'll believe that it is crap and not waste my time. Not that I was planning to watch it, but at least now I know that I don't want to, if it ever crosses my path... Ah, I feel so agreeable today. Maybe is because you like frogs and those babies RULE!

  7. Slightly off topic: I'm looking forward to John Carpenter's return to directing (after a 10 year hiatus) with The Ward but from what I've seen, it's reminding me of another film and I'm wondering if it's a remake. I'm hoping it's good! Are you a fan of his?

  8. The mind boggles. Or in my case, wanders off at the mention of 600....


  9. Stopping in for a belated hello! I'm with you on Paranormal Activity, it wasn't a horrible movie but also wasn't worth all the hype that they gave it.


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