On a side note

does anyone know how to post comments on The Land of Always October's blog?

He has a great blog and is featured on my fellow blogger Cat in the Pumpkin Moon/Cat in the Moon who is doing an interesting Halloween blog crawl feature all month on both her blogs.

I have been trying for months and nothing works, even opened the blog in 4 different browsers. He has a great blog, but I noticed no comments.* I sent him a couple emails, but since he does not follow this blog...he might not know who I am or....he does and then that means he is avoiding me - can't say I blame him :D I try to avoid me as much as possible :)

Anyway, if any of you bloggers know him, can you get him a message that something is up with his site so we can all tell him how much we love his blog? :)

Okay, back to prop building....and my new favorite pass time.....scaring myself with spiders :D**

* Unless there is a way to hide comments from a blogger and I just can't see them and you all can....well, then never mind, and boy do I feel awkward :)

**BTW- that was NOT , I repeat N-O-T, an invitation to send me more spider stuff....really people, you can all stop now :)


  1. For the record, I have not, I repeat have NOT sent you any spider stuff.... I just think of you every time I see frogs AND spiders now... thats all.

  2. I wrote him and told him that his site didn't allow comments. I have wanted to comment on some of some of his posts. He does have a great blog!

  3. Dawn, and that is why you will remain one of my favorite blog friends.....you and Jayson....maybe more so Jayson...I think he uses less pink paint :D

    Thanks for "not" thinking of me when you see a spider thing :D


  4. I popped an email to TLAO a while back, asking if he had comments turned off. Never heard back so I assume he's happy as is.

  5. I've also tried (unsuccessfully) to comment on TLOAO blog. I e-mailed him to alert him to the problem but heard nothing back.

    Perhaps he'll read this post . . .

  6. Yeah!! Problem solved. Just left a comment on his blog! :D



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