I should give this away

away before the year is over.  

I have one left over Davis Graveyard 2011 photo calendar.

I know that is a bit confusing....it made sense to me at the time.  It is infact a 2012 calendar....with Davis Graveyard 2011 pictures in it.

Yeah, my logic amazed me sometimes too.

Just post a message on this post and I will draw a winner on Thursday, March 29th at 8:00 pm.  I will ship to anywhere in the world!

Enjoy everyone, and happy prop building!


  1. Davis graveyard throughout the year!?!? Sounds good to me! :)

  2. Looking at the calander everyday and viewing the famous Davis Graveyard at the same time......let me think......YES!

  3. yes! please put my name in the hat!!!

  4. Ooooh! Pick me! Pick me!! I would love to use your awesome calendar for the rest of the year!

  5. Put my name is please. I would love such wonderful inspiration!

  6. Oooh I've been looking for a new calendar and this would be perfect!

  7. Looks Cool! Get my name in there!

  8. Man, there's a lot of damn people who want a calender that's 1/4 used up. Count me in!

  9. Would love to have the chance to get it, thanks! Consider my entry.... ummm.... entered! :)

  10. Ummm Helllooo...heck yeah I want one!

  11. Should inspire my coffin building greatly seeing your stuff every day!!!!

  12. Do I have to write another "Calendar Girl" song in order to win it? Count me in!

  13. Ohhhhh! Oooooohhhh!!!!!! (waves hand frantically in an attempt to get picked, just like those obnoxious kids you went to Elementary with)


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