I knew that my name

was not all bad.  Look at what happens when you put it in the "monster name generator"

Pretty cool huh?

Even my dreaded full name is not that bad.....

Still like CHRIS better, much more menacing....Christine sounds like she works too hard....and that is a lot of traveling coming back and forth from the "ninth earth" - I hate commuting. :)

So what about my alias

Wow, now we are talking!!!! Always enjoy upsetting the quarterbacks!! :D

Thanks to Haunted House Design for the link.


  1. Thanks for the link! I'm playing with it right now. So far I like my dog's name, Jones (technically "Jonesy"), the best. I think the Jogger-Obliterating Nightmare from the Enchanted Sanctuary quite suits him!

  2. You really do piss off those quarterbacks Froggie! That is hilarious slash AWESOME, now lets see what I can get with Carl...

  3. Very cool Chris, but having the same name takes the fun out of it. :)


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