I am curious

What props are you building this weekend?  I know that I am taking the weekend off - since I helped build 20+ tombstones, ten of those cool book, skull and candle props....and it seems there was something else......

...oh yeah, we build a graveyard in a day :D

So I am sitting this one out.  But I would love to hear what everyone else is up to.  What Halloween projects are you working on this holiday weekend?


  1. Nothing this weekend. Next weekend, I hope, Spider Rider is coming over to help me re-do that stupid witch of mine. Can't wait! I just hate how she not only looks bad, but her electronics aren't working right at all-after hours of my effort, too!

  2. Shell - I think her and our hearse driver might be from the same family! He is on the "to be fixed" list from the day we made him! Have a great weekend!

  3. DOH! And here I was excited to be working on the haunt this weekend, but it sounds kinda lame now that I know that Shellhawk and Spider Rider will be in the same Garage working on props - dang, its like the superbowl over there! ;)

    Since I only made ONE last year - I have designated this as The Year of the Tombstone. For me anyways. :D

  4. Working on still getting a garden in. Starting over from scratch with big old field next door is taking up some time. One of 3 raised beds is planted.

  5. Those are some really nice tombstones!

    Unfortunately this weekend is a combination of Home Improvement (repainting the hallway, bedroom closet, and bathroom) and going to Balticon (Baltimore Science Fiction & Fantasy Literature Con), so no halloween stuff.

  6. Will be working on a 5 foot floor standing candelabra.
    At the fun part now where I can start dripping hot glue all over the pvc candles....now thats a relaxing weekend!

  7. My OGRE TERRITORY scarecrow (intenstines, broken jaw, severe head trauma, and a hacked off arm and legs) and my first prop for the haunt this year.

  8. Dawn - No competition in creativity....you know that :D So looking forward to what you guys have in store for next year.....and how you are going to annoy me by using pink paint in some project :P (I mean that with the most awesome of love!)

    OFH - I am really looking forward to coming back to this trip and hopefully seeing sunshine and actually working my garden. Pictures of your garden should appear on your blog....please?!? :)

    David - the convention sounds awesome....will you be posting pictures for us. So want to see what that is like!!

    October boy.....ah, a weekend bonding with my glue gun....that is what I call Halloween!!

    Marrow....I can only imagine how creepy that is going to be....please share with the rest of us!!!

    Thanks everyone....keep building...only.....way too few...days until Halloween!!!


  9. Not much in the way of actual props, but I am developing some prototype invitations for a Halloween party. Should be fun!

  10. I am hopefully building my first vampire killing kit, complete with case and assorted weapons, glass vials, etc...

  11. Wow. I need to take a cue from you and START now for Halloween rather than waiting until September...

  12. I am not working on any Halloween projects this weekend, unless you count a Halloween broadcast in a book where a former deejay is the narrator.

    First time I've visited your site and I dig it (ha.) Have you read David. J. Skal's 'Death Makes a Holiday?' I have a feeling it'd be up your alley. I try to read it every October.

  13. You aren't gonna believe this, but I was in a "New Age" gift shop, and the shop had the cutest item for sale. It was an inspirational stone with a ceramic (?) frog in a yoga position. The message said "Be Balanced" or something like that. It was the cutest thing!!! A certain Froggy Maiden came to mind. As for me, this weekend I will be planting snap dragons and thinking about how to celebrate my favorite time of the year! Halloween!

  14. Halloweennut - I really enjoy making the invitations - love to see yours when it is done.

    JD - Sounds like a fun project - love that old school hunting kit idea.

    Courtney - you can never start too soon!!!

    Suzi - Thanks for stopping by!

    Lillypads - thanks for thinking of me.

    Happy prop building everyone!!

  15. Woking on a Shakespeare tombstone :) Just hopped on here to get some tombstone detail inspiration! :)

  16. I'm planning to build 20 led spotlights that will be used on my haunt as well as on the camping Luciole. Next, I will be doing the same number of PVC candles. I will by on holiday for the complete week and that week is reserved for props building. I hope to complete a few projects during that week.

  17. Oh, man....
    That looks awesome.

    I swear, I am going to make a pilgrimage to the Graveyard next Halloween.


  18. I know I am a littie late on this, but I am working on a new larger cauldron this weekend. The wife thinks I'm alittle nuts for working on Halloween props already!

    Would love to come to one of your classes! Come across the border and down to P.A. !!!!!

  19. I sooooo want the one that says "pray it stops here" want, want, WANT!!!!

  20. Great job. Need to get my rear out into the garage. I had planned on re-vamping my tombstones this year.

    What do you use to keep your tombstones in the ground? Sticks? Support? Do you use anything behind them to prop them up. Anything to support wind?

  21. Countess - what a great tombstone idea. And very timely since I just spent the weekend at the Oregon Shakespear Festival :D

    PumpkinBrian -sounds like a lot of fun and creative work ahead of you. Looking forward to seeing the progress on your blog!

    Andrew - you are always welcome!

    Jay's Shadow - love to see the new cauldron!! And someday - hopfully next year - we will head on over the east coast and teach some classes!

    Judith - I love that new tombstone! You have good taste!

    Madame Jen - we do have a proven way to keep them up. Thanks for asking. We put an 18 inch of pvc in the back of all of them by cutting out the foam in the back and then gluing them in. We place the pvc in the back 12 inches apart on center. Then we take 36 inch rebar and drive it into the ground with a template that holds them 12 inches apart and drive the rebar in 18 inches. Very sturdy.



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