At least they will be used to seeing

people dressed up as zombies!

It is official the tickets for HAuNTcon 2012 are now on sale.  Woohoo!

This year it is in Monroeville PA - the same town and near the same mall where Dawn of the Dead was filmed. Check out this cool link the the Monroeville Zombie Museum....I guarantee you we will be visiting while we are there!!

Since the location is in the same town I am sure that there have been many "zombie" groups visiting....we are going to feel right at home.

Any, I also believe that we have the whole hotel reserved for the more complaints from the other guest about the ghouls and monsters wandering the hallways at all hours of the night :)

Here is the latest promo video that was made by the talented people at Haunt Ventures that did all the fantastic filming at HAuNTcon last year.

You might notice a few Davis Graveyard props featured. (from about 2:31 on)  Most of this was filmed during our Monday class - which looks like fun but absolutely insane to make happen.  A lot of work for only four attendees....I think we broke even by the time we paid for materials :(  But like many experiences in life....we learned a lot.

LP asked us to do it again (or something like it).....but I am not sure we can make it happen.  We are still discussing it.  Anybody interested in spending the day with the Davis Graveyard crew?

Here is the link to purchase the tickets.  There is a presale discount so get yours early, we do.   Like ever HAuNTcon I look forward to meeting a blogger friend or two.  Let us know if you will be attending and we will be looking for you.

Here is to HAuNTcon 2012!!!!


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