I need a new neighbor

one of my favorite neighbors has to move in with her kids, so she is selling her house. She has been one of the most tolerant of all the madness and late nights that we have here at the Graveyard - we have been very lucky.

So I am hoping to get an equally good neighbor, or better yet.....a fellow Halloween crazy.

If you live next door imagine all the fun we can have???

Trust me, you can walk right through your new yard into mine....my cats do it all the time.....and it will be a lot easier for me to just call you when Mason gets out and you can tell me if he is in your yard rather than me crawling through the laurel (usually infested with spiders - shudder, shows how much I love my cats!)

Here is a picture and a link to the listing.

For you garden people she has an immaculate yard both in back and front, she has been featured on our garden tour in the past.

This house, like ours, has an outdoor fireplace in the back, great for fall parties......it is the house for you.

And because it is not really popular in the NW, they are not highlighing it here in the pictures.....but she has a swimming pool.  Think of the parties we could have the whole four days a year it gets over 90 degrees :D

So I am looking for a new neighbor.....anyone have $249,000 lying around?

I promise to help you unpack........and bring over a really good bottle of wine or two to celebrate!!!



  1. Oh man, I'd like it, but the hubby is a poo.

    But I don't know if I'd want to live next to you - my display would look pitiful next to yours!

  2. What a sweet house! I would love to live next door to you, but I'm not at the house acquiring stage just yet.

    And I'm thinking my next owned house should be a hobbit hole. ;)

  3. What a steal!! And the added bonus of living next door to THE famous Davis Graveyard?! Priceless.
    My hubs is on board, but what's the job market like up there?

  4. I'm going to win lotto and then I'll buy the house. You can use it to store all your Halloween stuff.

  5. Keeping my fingers crossed for a cool new neighbour for you!

  6. If you allowed sunshine in your state, I'd do it!

    I hope you get a great neighbor!

  7. We've had a bit too much sunshine here in Texas the last few years. I'm ready for a break. Now if I can just get Dixie to cut the roots and move we might have deal.

  8. Jason.....oh the trouble Dixie and I could get into...... (squeal!)

    Portland has a not to great job market....sorry about that, but I guess we are no different from anywhere else right now :(

    Shell....maybe if you brought your own sun :)

    ....thanks everyone.


  9. Gah! That would be AWESOME! Outdoor fire place?!? Fall parties?!? Living next door to Frog Queen!?! I can barely contain myself! $249,000.00.... whoa! Ya had me up till there ;) LOL! That kind of mortgage would BLOW my Halloween budget =( Hope you get some awesome neighbors!

  10. Oh, I would LOVE this! How much fun would that be?!? Co-haunts, co-parties, co-madness!!!
    And I could remove all the spiders from your yard and keep them on my side of the fence. And you could sleep better. :-)
    I wish, I wish, I wish...

  11. I would love that. But my monster dog don't like cats. He don't like people as well. Let me be honest, sometimes he don't like me. That is why I have to keep milk bones in the man-cave.

  12. OMG that's so cheap! A house that size with a big yard would go for closer to $400,000 here! Damn - I need to marry an American!

    Of course, the first thing I'd do is rip up the entire yard and turn it into veggie, herb & flower gardens - lol!

    Hope you find a fab new neighbour!

  13. Funny thing is my wife and I are looking for a new home to haunt! To bad we are in Jersey..I don't think wifey will want to move especially since we have our first ToT on the way!

  14. If your paying the moving expenses, I'm there!

  15. Really I just need to find a job in the area. If you know any for a young Graphic Designer who also has film experience you let me know and ill buy it.

  16. I'd be all over that... IF I lived in the Northeast... but I don't, and my (ever so tolerant.......) husband has a good job here... so yeah. Good luck for getting tolerant neighbors...


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