If it does not snow and shut the whole thing down

we will be filming the promo video for West Coast Haunters Convention tomorrow night at the hotel.

Of course that is unless the weather people are correct and we are going to get snow - which is pretty rare in Portland.

Does anyone know a anti-snow dance :D

We are going to start filming at the Double Tree Hotel in Portland tomorrow around 8pm (probably film the first group shot around 9pm).  If you are in the area and want to be an extra, we are looking for people that can dress up in costume and show up at the hotel....kinda a flash mob thing :)

We want to get the group shots done by 9:00-9:30 - so it should only take an hour or so.

If you plan on coming for the filming, follow frogonpumpkin on twitter and will post update on how the schedule is going....if we have to cancel - I will let you know as soon as I can.

Don't be expecting anything as fancy as the HAuNTcon promo.....we are doing a different take since we do not have any footage from last year - we have to create something from nothing.

We are haunters, we are good at that.

We hope to have the video up on YouTube by the end of the month.  I will take pictures tomorrow and try to put updates here on the blog and Facebook and Twitter.

As always, I have to say thanks to all the many, many people that are helping Ed Roberts make this convention this year. 


  1. I wish I could go at that convention. Never been to a horror one.

  2. I tried the anti-snow dance in Chicago. As you can see it didn't work. Good luck though.

  3. You can send the snow to Pa. I'll take it....

  4. Rock on, Frog Queen, whatever the weather. I want to invite you to my Tarot give-away:


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