Been catching up on my

Qi episodes.....they did a Halloween special....not the best episode they ever filmed.....I could just be saying that because there is a big spider behind Stephen's head :D


  1. I watched 5 minutes of this. I adore Stephen Fry but the topic is just too creepy to watch!

  2. Best one yet. I had several QIs in my Halloween posts but missed this one.
    I'd heard about the Toe before. In Newfoundland, there's a tradition to kiss a giant codfish! Yay Canada!

  3. I've looked for QI at Hulu and Netflix and can't find it. Where are you getting to watch it??

  4. I have to buy the DVDs from the UK. They only have up to season 3 for sale....there is a pettion online to get more episodes released......

    But sadly no US release.....very, very sad.



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