You only get one chance a year

to see the graveyard from behind the scences.

This last Sunday was our annual Open House event.

It is a fundraiser for the Milwaukie High School Dance Team and the only day we allow the public on the property.  It is also one of the times that the dance team performs on the property.

We had a great rain during the event and everyone (except whom ever is was that let their dog poop in the yard, and not clean it up) was respectful and charming.  We raised over $300 for the dance team and got to share our creations with the community.

Here are a few pictures:


  1. Just what every graveyard needs -- lovely zombies!

  2. Just way too cool!!! Love the skull top hats...wish our place was bigger, too small for a yard haunt.

  3. That's an awesome fund raiser for the dance team! And everyone gets to see your set up! Win/Win !!!

  4. Really nice pics, and the zombies have a gothic twist which is quite nice.

  5. Honest to Goth ~ awesome dancers, awesome fund-raiser, awesome memories for all!

  6. wow. I'd have enjoyed high school so much more if this were an option!

  7. So cool! Your local HS (and whole community) is lucky to have you! It looks great and those zombies and props look great!


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