I should have known better than to trust the weather person

No rain on Monday night.....that is what they said....so it should be okay to let stuff stay outside to dry.

Apparently not.

Last time I make that mistake! :(

Sorry they are fuzzy.....but they were all black last time I saw them on Sunday night........those black patches underneath them is where the paint ran off.......never trust a weatherperson......my new motto.

Unhappy frog queen!!


  1. aww I'm sorry the bad weather snuck up on you guys and ruined those pieces. I hate when that happens!

  2. oh no....I hate when the weather doesn't co-operate

  3. A guy I once worked with called meteorologists 'weather guessers'.

  4. I couldn't agree more. All of my new pieces were ruined as well. It was a sad day.


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