I would never be caught dead in this

but it is a cool shirt.......and he is looking for votes to help get it made.  Check it out.....from a distance.  I am typing on my keyboard with a yard stick....yeah, that is as close as I can get to the monitor without screaming.

Thanks to my friend Steve...for the heads up....thanks, yeah that is what I am feeling..... :D


  1. OMG! I can't even believe you could stand to look at this!!!!!

  2. I am not scared of spiders, but those I can see them crawling from here!

  3. I'm not afraid of spiders normally, but that shirt is enough to give me Arachnophobia!

  4. Just looking at that shirt is making my skin prickle!!

  5. I wouldn't be able to wear that without scratching myself constantly. I feel crawly just looking at it.

  6. Frankly, I'd love it, but it would creep out anyone else close by.

  7. Oooo.cool T...I would so wear it but my skin would be crawling the whole time


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