Living with me is not fun

I have to give husband a lot of love for putting up with me this past month.......

Husband....I promise once the yard is up.....I will be much less stressed....but for now you are going to have to live with this version of me :D

How many days until Halloween? :D  Wait that is silly....we set up on October 1!!!!

We are insane, just incase any of you were wondering! :D


  1. Happy Autumn! This too shall pass....keep telling yourself that.

  2. I was really looking forward to seeing a whole garage full of pre-yard goodies!
    I was out gathering mad scientist bottles yesterday at the thrift (as if I don't have the lab full already) but there were strange bottles galore available! How could I pass them up? (cheap cheap cheap)

  3. Husband is really awesome,and he puts up with all of us too!

  4. Yes...your hubby is awesome...we ALL adore him for put up with all of us and our/your shared insanity.

  5. It's "our" hobby so I don't mind the madness. As for your brand of crazy this time of year. I sort of like you so it goes with the territory.
    I think Tina said it best... my Love, Best Friend, Soul Mate and occassional Nemesis.

  6. Autumn is here today... Officially, as it is the quinox.

  7. Oddly enough, I feel less crabby after I tell my husband I feel like Oscar the Grouch."

  8. He obviously serves his Queen graciously and without question.

  9. How is that kitten managing to be both adorable and evil at the same time?


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