spider cat....spider cat

If I did this to my cats, I would not live to tell the tale.....or take the picture.......nope.


  1. Maybe the person who took the photo is the lone survivor of the carnage ...or the one who found the bodies.

  2. LMAO thats so cute!
    by the way i just mentioned you in my blog post and passed on the "iDig your blog" award to you cas i really do dig your blog do check it out:


  3. oh my...not one in my herd would let me do that...id be missing an appendage of their choice

  4. I love it! My dog is going to be a giant barking spider this year.

  5. Oh, you can see the hate daggers coming out of those eyes! I'd be afraid to go to sleep after that episode!

    Nope. My dog occasionally wears a bandana, but the cats are happily naked.

  6. I love the look on the cat's face.

  7. Dogs take this sort of thing with quiet martyrdom. I wonder if the cat's human still has all its limbs and eye sight?


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