I am just making sure

They build it correctly. Can't leave those humans un supervised for too long.....they tend to mess things up when I am not around.

- Hal
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  1. I loooove the cat! Boy am I a broken record here...;-)

  2. It looks like he's approved the struture.

  3. I thought he was thinking "This would be the perfect spot for a kitty door" ;)

  4. I'm thinking he or she is just insulted that you used that nail in the board contraption for the holes in the Styrofoam when you have availability of kitty claws! Probably just looking at the work with disdain...

  5. Good to see an excellent manager on the job.

  6. Nice to see the supervisor on the job site. Looks like he approves!

  7. LOL!!! Classic cat behavior! My cats LOVE to sleep on the foam that I have in the house when making tombstones :) I think it holds their heat and they like the warmth :)

  8. Meow! An excellent spot for planting catmint next spring.


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