Now that the yard is up

I gotta start looking a candy for Halloween, cause after pumpkins....nothing says Halloween like a big bowl full of candy.....some of it may even make it to the trick or treaters!

I got a heads up on a cool candy for Halloween from the nice people at Blair Candy.

They have a full line of Halloween candy for the TOTS....

Ohhhhh, Gumball eyes!!  I want these!!!

Oh wait...I want these too, since I am weird and do not like caramel apples...but love the combination (I am weird....I know)  ...these are perfect!

Before I was vegetarian I loved marshmallow candy.....especially these.  I could have eaten the whole box!

But as you all may know, the Frog Queens favorite would have to be these.....

Spider rings.....yes, those scare the ever loving crap out of me.....that is what makes them so very, very cool....I would so have respect for the house that handed these out....I might never go back again in fear.....but impressed I would be none the less.

These although cool....are pretty safe....I mean who does not like skulls!!!!!

But if you really want to rock my would get these

These beat out full sized candy bars in my book!  I so want a black cat pez!!!

Where do you get all this cool stuff?  I found it on a site called Blair Candy!! Any store with the name "candy" in it has to be a good thing.

Back to making Halloween.


  1. I've made the commitment, it's full sized bars from here on out. Ha ha.

  2. Never got anything this cool when I was a TOT. One of the coolest things I have ever given out were red eye ball LED flashlights in the treat bags with other candy. Not sure whats going in this year.

  3. I'm trying to post a different candy daily this month but I've neglected a few days. So much to choose from...


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