Everything looks better in the dark

we say that all the time here at the Graveyard.

It also helps when our resident photography wizard Marci Brandt shows up and works her magic.

This is the way I see the display in my mind....how in the world does she do that!

Anyway, thanks again Marci!


  1. This is so breathtakingly spectacular... I don't even know where to start! Magnificent!!!

  2. You guys seem like you raise the bar every year. That abbey is INSANE. SO COOL! Next year you'll have to build Notre Dame, or the Amityville House with a moat filled with animatronic zombie crocogators to top this year's display. I haven't had a chance to swing by just yet, but I will before Halloween. I'm hoping to see some new Firefly references hidden about here and there. :D

  3. Good grief, those shots are just breathtaking.

  4. This is breathtaking! The words fail me. You could shoot a black and white movie there.

  5. I agree! I cemetery always looks better in the dark! Yours is so beautiful =) Keep the pictures coming!!!

  6. Gorgeous photos of one hella creepy haunt.


  7. You all are artists. Your work is amazing.

  8. It takes unquestionable dedication to commit to such creativity,kudos!

  9. STUNNING! Really amazing stuff here! One day I WILL see this in person!!!

  10. Ah, I spoke too soon. These, these are a better fit for my desktop. Larger, darker, and brimming with spooky wonder. Absolutely terrific photography with these.

    Magnificent has already been said, but it's really the only way to describe what this project has become.

  11. Those pictures looks beautifully dark! I love them all!


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