At day at the

post office. I spend my lunch sending out almost all of the Haunters Video Awards out in the mail. BTW - It cost $32 to mail a finalist award to Canada!!!! Good thing she did not win the heavy first place award ;) No worries! The Dead Spider Haunt is sooooooo worth it! One of our favs!

BTW. again - If anyone knows how to get a hold of the Lowe's, let us know :) Theirs is the only address we are missing.

Also mailed out a few soaps to my lovely winners. (Because, only good looking people read this blog :)

I am glad to finally be done with the awards. The next step is to give the website a much needed face lift, and I think I found just the man to help me!! Guy at House Bloodthorn has agreed to help me with the graphics for this site and......the Frightfest NW site!! (He did the graphics for the updated Hauntcast site.)

All that and he brought the Miss Rose haunt to the Northwest!! He rocks and yes, he does not know it yet, but he is my new best friend :D


  1. Yay!! I'm so excited! I will be stalking the postman now, hehe.

    Glad to hear you got all that out of the way though, and can get onto the fun!

  2. Of course only good looking people read your blog. : )

    Good luck on the Web site redesign!

  3. The Lowe's have been found!!! Husband was able to get their award out to them tonight right before the post office closed!!!!

    Woohoo!!! Off to Hauntcon!


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