I would like to thank

the academy....I mean the judges. For their volunteer efforts in choosing the 2008 Haunters Video Award Winners.

Check out the website for the winners.

2008 Winners

Best Novice Haunt - Patrick Prue - DHG Cemetery: Deaths Hallowed Grounds
Finalist – Steve & Lisa Toby - Nightmare on Mitchelle Street
Best Party Haunt – Doug & Debbie Lowe - Lowe Manor: The Tomb of Ellery
Finalist – Angie - Dead Spider's Party Canada
Best Indoor Haunt – Noah Fentz - Katzper's Haunt
Finalist – The Baird Family - Baird Manor
Best Yard Haunt – Brent Ross - DC Cemetery
Finalist – Toby Wrolson - Haunt 31

Congratulations to all the winners!

We are thinking of expanding the awards for 2009, if you have suggestions, please let me know, either on this blog or contact us through email. We will be working updating the Awards site later this year with details for 2009 and possibly a way for haunters to leave feedback. (As soon as my web programming skills catch up to my many ideas :)

Thanks to everyone who submitted a video, who donated for the awards, and to Propmaster who without his efforts none of this would be possible.


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