In my opinion

the UK does comedy better than anyone else. And my new favorite obsession proves my point perfect. Husband and I recently discovered "The IT Crowd" - it is a show about the IT department in the basement of a company....not that exciting unless you are a geek - and husband is and I guess I just suffer from guilt by association.

But something funny happened midway into season one. That is when we discovered "Richmond" - there is a long story about Richomonds fall from power to IT basement dweller, but the funny thing about him is he is a goth...goth IT guy.

Before that day, I did not think that was possible. The contrast of this character in this situation makes me laugh out loud!

Here is the bio from the BBC

Richmond is the rarely seen fourth member of the IT team. The dirty red door in the wall behind Roy's desk looks like a rather unassuming gateway to Dante's lower levels, but it in fact leads to a room containing a machine that no one quite understands. Richmond sits there alone memorising the light flashes it emits.He is so isolated that it took Jen a long time to discover that he was working in the basement with them!

As Richmond rarely leaves the basement he has naturally very pale skin - which is ideal considering he is a goth.

Definitely not a show for everyone. But this scene where they try to get him back behind the red funny,

Click here for a link to a clip from the show.


  1. Did the "elders of the Internet" say it was ok to blog about this? ;)

  2. Ah, crap, I forgot to ask I in trouble again? :)


  3. I love it!

    I'm kind of a techy nerd and I'm goth so I'm kind of in love with Richmond. ha ha

  4. Ho cool! A goth geek! I must confess, I'm a geek and an IT guy also (you already knew that). The fact is that I'm very attracted to the victorian gothic style but I don't have the guts to dress that way... Maybe one day I will have the courage to let my true self out. Until then I will just stay weird because I'm obsessed by Halloween.

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. I saw your photo of Richmond & I recognized him. Did you know he's from another comedy show too? My boyfriend & I just got into it & its's GREAT. It's called The Mighty Boosh & it's on Adult Swim.

    He's my counterpart...sorta...his name is Vince Noir. He's not goth though, :(...but he's still cute & hilarious. You might like the show. Actually I've been meaning to talk about this show for a while so I'll put a clip over there. Check it out if you'd like!

    I don't know if you looked him up on IMDB but here's his info.

  6. Eve - you are the best!! I am definately tracking down that show. I am suprise I missed it!!

    To funny!! Thanks SO much for sharing. I will let you know what I think of it.


  7. BTW: Good clip & the guy w/the glasses is also on The Mighy Boosh sometimes. I just showed my BF the clip & he pointed that out! ;}

  8. i have to check this out. between shows like Black Books and Spaced (and a bunch of others too numerous to name) all the best sitcoms seem to be from the BBC.

    we get according to jim.

    ps - Mighty Boosh is an awesome show. you will dig it.

  9. Black Books is one of my favorite shows....ever!

    Thanks for the heads up on the Mighty Boosh - while I was looking for that I found out that Bill Baliey (from Black Books) also has a new comedy DVD out. I ordred that through AmazonUK!


  10. Hurray!

    Thank you for the post (as I forgot the name of the show you were telling me about)


  11. I have just listened to the first and second season of "The IT Crowd". This is a funny show, I like it. I will probably begin listening to seaseon 3 this week. And Richmond is very funny on "The red door" episode. I will try not to listen to "Cradle of filth" just in case it could damage my career :-)

  12. Just saw Pumpkin Brain's comment. I have a Cradle of Filth CD in my car right now. :)


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