Davis Graveyard circa 2005

...funny the things you find when you click on the old links on the Davis House blog.

Here are pictures of the Davis Graveyard display in 2005, prior to the church facade.....lovely, not so scary garage in the back ground.

And wow....hardly any props in the yard and look at those flood lights...and pitiful fog :D

Only four mud men?!?!?  Wow, I don't even remember that time....

And I would like to say that that is the most pitiful mausoleum in the world....but that is version four....we built three others before that that were {{shudder}} completely dreadful!  It looks like we were even set up for a ghost effect in that one.....really how did we do that.....and wait, don't tell me there is a blucky in that coffin!! Noooooooo!

Okay, that is enough for now.....sorry about that everyone, thanks for humoring me! :D


  1. Thanks for sharing, I like to see the progression of people's haunts.

  2. Looking at the early pictures of your graveyard has given me so much hope over the past few years :) I see that you guys started with very humble beinnings and evolved into something AMAZING. The pictures of your mausoleum's progress has really helped me, b/c ours looked AWFUL the first year and I was so disappointed in it! But then I saw how your mausoleum evolved over the years and it made me realize that it just takes time and experience to get things just right ;)
    Thanks for sharing ALL of your pictures! Think of them as a record of Davis Graveyard growth :)

  3. The evolution of a haunt. Very nice. It's great to see where you've been and how far you've come, though I think the 2005 haunt was great too!

  4. Interesting to see the changes over the years. Your "early years" pictures give me a glimmer of hope for the future evolution of my yard.

  5. that was really interesting viewing the progress and evolution of your haunt!

  6. Well it still looks good to me...but I agree that you guys continue to top yourselves year to year. A true inspiration for home haunters and Halloween lovers everywhere! Keep up the great work! :o)

  7. Its fun to see the evolution of your haunt. Looking at your progress gives me hope that my own haunt will look better in the future.

  8. Well, I aspire to get my haunt looking even THIS good!

  9. Old or just the begining that there is some great stuff. Really dig'n those "mud men".

  10. Hey..even circa 2005 it was looking cool!!! You cool ghouls kick butt!

  11. I've always admired your army of mud men. Your haunt has indeed evolved wonderfully over the years.


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