We are out of what?

We noticed last weekend that our box of EIFS PB washers* were low, not enough to finish the abbey ruins.  Crap and it is Saturday - with a holiday weekend :(

We ordered them from Demand Products (they actually supply tools for people that use foam for its intended purpose :D ), but they will not be here until Tueday, so all we can do this weekend is continue drawing the pattern on the exisitng panels and build frames for the new panels.

* What is a EIFS PB washer?  Oh, yeah, that is a washer used to hold foam to another surface. Here is their technical explanation:

"PB" refers to Polymer Based. Class PB EIFS typically uses either adhesively, mechanically or adhesively and mechanically fastened expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation, and glass fiber reinforcing mesh embedded in a nominal 1/16 inch (1.6mm) base coat.

Yeah, what they said.....We just know the work great for holding the foam to the wood frames.  We used to use actual metal washers....but these are much easier to hide and the practically embed themselves into the foam.  Really cool!

So guess we will be gluing the foam to the panels during the week....I did not want a life anyway :D


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