I amuse myself sometimes

So I see this really cool product.  Glow Graffiti Light in a Can.  Yeah, it is as cool as it sounds!

Immediately I think....this has to have a use for Halloween. But what?

What could you possibly do with a photo sensitive canvas and a can of luminescent spray paint that create cool art that last for less than one hour?

I mean the fact that the surface is completely reusable is a great, but....

Thought of a couple things like making the canvas be part of a wall and an actor that spray "murder" or "get out!" (if they could remember to spell it backwards) that would show up like someone was writing it on the wall while you were standing there.

But then you would essentially be spraying paint towards someone and shining an UV light at them....both scary in the not good way.

So, my ever so creative haunters and blog buddies.....can you come up with any ideas?


  1. I don't think that actually "sprays", but is just a UV LED on a spray can... the craftier of us could do the same with a UV LED in a marker, which turns on when you "write" on a glow-in-the-dark wall - will have to do some experimenting!
    You could have someone writing the name of "recent victims" on the wall in your waiting area, and by the time they get to the end of the list the beginning would be fading and could be used again.
    Just don't let anyone take pictures of the wall, the whole thing would glow then...

  2. Hhmm..I like peanuts idea, and with your original idea if you put a plexiglass 'window' into the wall with the sheet behind it people could write messages from the other side of the wall and the guests would be protected by the plexiglass. you could even combine the 2 ideas and write messages to named people who are traversing the graveyard at that time and really spook them.

  3. I'm sorry, does this last years costume not count...?
    I'm pretty sure your future brother-in-law has the only decent pictures... but people were very happy to sign my chest with the magic glow pen.... not to mention drawing obscene body parts in other areas of my glowing suit. No man should ever have the proportions some of the ladies drew that night.
    Interesting observation - the more inebriated people become the larger the twig and berries they drew.

    So, have you noticed the addition for your recently returned skelingos?

  4. Travel back in time to 2003, head to Peddlers Village in Pennsylvania, and completely cover some sort of stupid humpty dumpty 'scarecrow' in fluorescent paint, then set fire to it.

  5. PeanutGnome - yeah, I was not paying attention...I now realize what it is. Especially since one of the minions just reminded me that he used that idea as a costume a few years ago.....I am lame. :(

    Sorry the BA - I forgot about your Halloween costume.....that was pretty cool, but then all your costumes are! :D

    Marrow....yeah, that would be a great idea :D

    HHH - bet you are right!

    Got to quit distracting myself! Back to ruined abbey building.



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