Frog Queen folly

Let me start by saying I really do have to say I am married to the most patient man on the planet.

Like many of you our back door is the main door for the house.  With all the stuff going on during the year it gets a lot of traffic and the screen has had to be replaced a few times so I thought we needed something stronger than the thin screen.

Now a normal person would just buy some denser mesh or some metal grate type thing....but I am not normal.  I thought it would be so cool to have the graveyard part of our logo cut out of wood and painted to match the door.

Husband rolled his eyes and said....if you print it out the size it needs to be we will cut it on the scroll saw.  Yeah!

We finally got it painted and installed this weekend.  I bit more paint and it will be perfect!

I love it!!
One of my favorite follies!!

Note...yes, that is a skull in the flower pot to the right of the door :)

View from the inside of the screen

Yes, it is Halloween 365 days a year at our house.


  1. Nice pics. The place has such character.

  2. it looks great! very welcoming (at least to us Halloween home haunter people!) :)

  3. I love that! I wish my screen door were half that interesting. Mine is always broken.

  4. Well, I'm impressed! You're lucky to be married to a guy who would be willing and able to do this! :)

  5. You are always so creative. You should get Jeff to put one on each side of your car doors (ha ha).

  6. What a great idea! Its the small details that make the home!


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