Put a skull on it

here is just not enough Halloween stuff in the world....or at least stuff that I need.

Take for instance this cute doll house shelf thing.  This is the perfect size for my small pumpkin collection, but it is too normal and not black.
This will not do.
So, grabbed one of my plasitc skull casts and found the perfect one for the job.

I then took the dremel and sanded off part of the fluer so that I could epoxy the plastic skull to the in that area.

Then I epoxied the skull on to the top....the way I placed it almost looks like ram horns coming out of the skull.  Kinda creepy, I like it.....off to find the black paint!

While I am working on this project I had this idea - since I live in (practically) in Portland I have been watching the Portlandia show - and it reminded me of the famous bit about "put a bird on it".

I am going to start my own blog called....you guessed it, "Put a Skull On It".  

You think I am kidding?  You should know me better than that :D


  1. I really need to get crackin' on my Halloween dollhouse. I kept thinking of the Beyonce song "Put a Ring on it." You can say, "Put a skull on it."

  2. Ooooooo! Can't WAIT to see the finished product!!!

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love your titles and sense of humor. And I love how positive you are. THat's why I gave you a Spirit of Cooperation Award. http://hauntjaunts.net/blog/2011/07/06/spirit-of-cooperation-award/ (Don't worry. You don't have to do anything like name X things about yourself or pass on to X people. Just an award for you!)

  4. Hahaha! I love putting a Halloween twist on ordinary things :) Be sure to post pics of the finished product, proudly displaying your pumpkin collection :)

  5. Yeah, I was also reminded of "put a ring on it" :) Your project looks so cool already ~ I can't wait to see the results! Oh, and that video was nuts, but I know what they're getting at. There are bird decals on everything now!

  6. Ha, I agree with your first commenter. "If you like it then need to put a skull on it" Uh Uh Oh! ;o)

    {skips off to the kitchen, singing this revised tune}

  7. Skulls everywhere thats what I say!!


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