It has to be better

than the Vampire wine sold at Halloween. I have tried it, not impressed (both the cab and the merlot.)

So I was happy to find this wine, Ghost Pines, (I picked up the Cab, my favorite) when I was shopping the other day, a bit more spendy than the Vampire wine....I am hoping that is a good sign. Going to try it with dinner tonight.
Tasting notes to follow. :)


  1. My SIL gave me a bottle of Ghost Pines Merlot at Christmas and it was pretty good! She bought it stickly based on the label! Hahahah....she knew I would love the name and label!

    I haven't tried the Vampire wine though.

    You'll have to check out Raven's Glen Winery too. It's located about 45 minutes south of me and it's not bad either. They have some great labels too!

    Enchanted Blessings,

  2. Thanks, I will definitely track down Raven's Glen. Always appreciate wine suggestions!!

    The cab was actually quite good. I would buy it again. I will try the merlot next time.


  3. Here ya go! Here's the link to Raven's Glenn!


  4. Rats! They will not ship outside of Ohio. I will see if any of my local vendors carry it.

    Tasteful label...I have this thing about wine labels. Next to making Halloween decorations, making wine labels would be my full time job of choice. :)


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