Poor, poor

Grant. (Who lives in Edmonton, that is practically in Alaska. Yikes! )

Grant is a fun guy. We look forward to hanging with him each year when he comes down for Frightfest NW. Very generous with his time and talents, he not only carves foam, but he also does great black light painting.

Grant is one of the Frightfest BC haunters that turned in a video that showed his haunt, well, mostly on the ground, because of a wind storm.

Every year I pray for no wind. Because that facade in front of the garage is basically a big foam kite. In October if the wind gusts over 10 miles and hour, I start to whimper.

So this year he was plagued by wind. I believe he said last year that he could not take his props down until spring.....because it was frozen and covered in snow.

I would move :)

In the video he swears he is "Done with this shit!" Which he might be, because, I kid you not, he recently got a job carving tombstones, real tombstones. I guess that makes the foam ones seem a bit less interesting.


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