Softly, gently, wafting


(You Dr. Horrible fans thought I was going to say curtains :)

I would love my static monks to have flowing fabric - that moved slightly in the breeze with the fog drifting by.......

I have been watching the haunt videos and you have no idea how jealous I am of people that have billowing fabric on their props. Especially the famous Hallowed Haunting Ground ghost....I was talking with husband about any way to treat fabric so that it doesn't get soaked with rain and just stick to itself or the body of the prop.

But anything we could think of, dipping in latex, spraying with scotch guard, will keep the fabric from getting wet, but it will stick to itself. :(

I know I need to give this dream up, and just do what I already do better.


  1. Rustoleum makes a sealer spray called Specialty Waterproofing Fabric Protection that's pretty impressive. It keeps the fabric loose yet keeps out moisture. I used it on my scarecrows and props this year and it worked like a dream. The cheesecloth I used it on actually remained soft, not rigid at all. The water beaded right up.

    I bought it at Lowes.

  2. oops. I meant "creepy cloth," not cheesecloth.


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