About all I can

do today is post some pictures that I took of my garden shed about the same time I took the picture of my new work area. This is my potting bench area directly to the right of my frog queen follies area.......

this is where the garden magic is born...I know, not nearly as interesting as the Halloween stuff....but a girl has to diversify....at least a bit. And I do have lots of pumpkins and skeletons in my garden, so that is Halloween related? Right? Kinda, sort of....does that count? :D

Should be back to normal blog posts on Friday.....wasn't I going to talk about projections? Yeah, I better start collecting that information....might have husband guest blog on a few of those....since he is a primary part of those features.

Oh, tandem blogging....this could be fun, or the end of my marriage, lets give it a try shall we?


  1. I love to see a neat, tidy and well-organized workspace. It turns my Virgo crank.

  2. It's June, I'm delighted to see photos of your workspace. Best wishes dear Frog Queen. ;)

  3. It looks so nicely organized. It's probably best if I don't take photos of mine. Love the skeleton :)

  4. It is going to look like winter in there this fall when you are carving up all of that beautiful Styrofoam!


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