Since I am never
going to do this the way it should be done. Here it is....the slap together version of the...
West Coast Haunter Convention wrap up via the Frog Queen
First of all - BIG kudos to Ed at the Oregon School for the Deaf and the Nightmare Factory Haunt (in the school) for putting on this amazing first year event. It was small, but it was the first year and I think the event went rather well all in all. I know how difficult it is to put on something like this and I think he (and a few helpers) did great. Really looking forward to next year.
Not only did I get to meet ShellHawk, spend a day with Leonard and Jeannie, but we got to see some of our old friends:
Hey, I don't I know you from somewhere?
Guy from House Bloodthorn -he is the artistic genius behind the Hauntcast site and the revamp of ShellHawk's blog (and I think Johnny Thunder also - even a rumor he might do the Haunters Video Award site....someday :D ) and resurrector of the Ms Rose haunt from Skull and Bones. He is always a kick to hang with and he got to take his trophy home for the Vanguard Yard Haunt (even though it did not have a plaque...yet.)
John Barrowman from EFX TEK - unfortunately a week before Amber (his new bride) broke one of her ribs so she could not make the flight from Tennessee - which is sad because she is a lot of fun! (I believe Jon Williams was at the Makers Fare in CA.) It was fun to catch up with him and buy a few things.....I believe Jeff even talked him out of a prototype AP16 board :) He plans to replace the controller for the hearse driver with this card because it has amplified audio on the board.
Chad from Chateau Grrrrr - Fun people and we met them at HAuNTcon a few years ago and always love hanging with them. They have a great site with all kinds of haunting resources. Check it out when you get a chance and be sure to register your haunt - for free!!
Cory and Troy (and meet their crew) I mentioned that we met them at the last HAuNTcon we attended and became fast friends. It was great to talk to them and catch up....if everything works out as planned, they will head back up here on weekend to attend one of our classes!
Darkwing Manor, Tim & Tina and Cliff & Jen - we always love seeing them...even if we were heading down to their end of the planet the following weekend :D I hear that Cliff had a lot to do with the WCHC, so kudos to him also.
Hello and you would be.......
(we got to meet some great people)
Ed (who put on the event) - great guy. Cannot say enough nice things about him. His heart is really into haunting, how can you not admire someone like that! He is doing this for us haunters, but mostly for the kids at his school....awesome.
Jody from Haunted Night - It is always a bit odd to meet someone who owns a professional haunt that goes out of their way to meet us. "Really? You know who we are?" :D Always takes me by surprise. He is a great guy and if you have a haunt in the Pacific Northwest, be sure to register it on his site.
The crew from the new company Ethereal FX, a company that makes these very cool lighting controllers. They use the EFX-TEK boards in the of course, husband bought one. One of the guys in the company actually lives not that far from us, so when we told him were to come for the party that night.....he knew exactly where to find us :)
We finally met Nick Collins.....even though we felt like we already knew him...I think he felt the same. We have these mutual friends, you might have heard me mention them a few time - Bad Boys Scenic Design :D Anyway, Nick has been around the haunt industry forever and does the most amazing faux and scene painting. It was great to finally meet the genius in person :) Seriously, friends, this guy just oozes talent..... :)
The Bloodshed Brothers. These super cool guys hail close to our old stomping grounds in California, that is actually a little weird for us. :D They brought their photo albums and we had a great time showing them to everyone and seeing how creative they are. These are haunters to watch my haunt friends.....
We had an inpromtu party at the Graveyard on Saturday night with many people from the convention and some of our crew even made it over to meet some of the vendors and friends.
It was a great event and we are looking forward to helping out next year if Ed wants us to :)
West Coast Haunter Convention wrap up via the Frog Queen

Not only did I get to meet ShellHawk, spend a day with Leonard and Jeannie, but we got to see some of our old friends:
Hey, I don't I know you from somewhere?
Guy from House Bloodthorn -he is the artistic genius behind the Hauntcast site and the revamp of ShellHawk's blog (and I think Johnny Thunder also - even a rumor he might do the Haunters Video Award site....someday :D ) and resurrector of the Ms Rose haunt from Skull and Bones. He is always a kick to hang with and he got to take his trophy home for the Vanguard Yard Haunt (even though it did not have a plaque...yet.)
John Barrowman from EFX TEK - unfortunately a week before Amber (his new bride) broke one of her ribs so she could not make the flight from Tennessee - which is sad because she is a lot of fun! (I believe Jon Williams was at the Makers Fare in CA.) It was fun to catch up with him and buy a few things.....I believe Jeff even talked him out of a prototype AP16 board :) He plans to replace the controller for the hearse driver with this card because it has amplified audio on the board.
Chad from Chateau Grrrrr - Fun people and we met them at HAuNTcon a few years ago and always love hanging with them. They have a great site with all kinds of haunting resources. Check it out when you get a chance and be sure to register your haunt - for free!!
Cory and Troy (and meet their crew) I mentioned that we met them at the last HAuNTcon we attended and became fast friends. It was great to talk to them and catch up....if everything works out as planned, they will head back up here on weekend to attend one of our classes!
Darkwing Manor, Tim & Tina and Cliff & Jen - we always love seeing them...even if we were heading down to their end of the planet the following weekend :D I hear that Cliff had a lot to do with the WCHC, so kudos to him also.
Hello and you would be.......
(we got to meet some great people)
Ed (who put on the event) - great guy. Cannot say enough nice things about him. His heart is really into haunting, how can you not admire someone like that! He is doing this for us haunters, but mostly for the kids at his school....awesome.
Jody from Haunted Night - It is always a bit odd to meet someone who owns a professional haunt that goes out of their way to meet us. "Really? You know who we are?" :D Always takes me by surprise. He is a great guy and if you have a haunt in the Pacific Northwest, be sure to register it on his site.
The crew from the new company Ethereal FX, a company that makes these very cool lighting controllers. They use the EFX-TEK boards in the of course, husband bought one. One of the guys in the company actually lives not that far from us, so when we told him were to come for the party that night.....he knew exactly where to find us :)
We finally met Nick Collins.....even though we felt like we already knew him...I think he felt the same. We have these mutual friends, you might have heard me mention them a few time - Bad Boys Scenic Design :D Anyway, Nick has been around the haunt industry forever and does the most amazing faux and scene painting. It was great to finally meet the genius in person :) Seriously, friends, this guy just oozes talent..... :)

We had an inpromtu party at the Graveyard on Saturday night with many people from the convention and some of our crew even made it over to meet some of the vendors and friends.
It was a great event and we are looking forward to helping out next year if Ed wants us to :)
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