Because it has been

on my mind, even though it is not even remotely horror/Halloween related....I have to share. I would not so much call this a movie me venting because I feel like I am in some kind of nightmare. Seriously......

.....I do not, for the life of me, get all the hoopla about Avatar.....if one more person tells me how "great" that movie is....I am going beat them with my copy of Princess Mononoke. :)

I mean that in the nicest way possible :D

Now back to prop building!!!


  1. I'm soooooo with you (many within earshot have heard my rants). The movie was okay and I enjoyed it for what it was, but the whole "visionary" hype makes me crazy. Funny, I've been itching to post a long diatribe pointing out numerous rip-offs and ideas seen before (Princess Mononoke being just one).
    I just might.

  2. We just watched this for the first time 2 weekends ago and it was OKAY! I didn't find it to be the end all, be all of movies however. I kept feeling a strong Pocahontas vibe the whole time I watched it. And maybe some Lion King Tree of Life stuff too...not sure. The 'avatars' kind of bugged me as well, as did the hopping in and out of animation. I didn't HATE it, nor did I love was just OKAY! :o)

  3. *applause*



  4. Thank you! Thank you! Avatar is exactly the same movie as Disney's Pocahontas! I saw a copy of the Disney synopsis with the names scratched out and replaced with the names in Avatar and it was still the Avatar. They even have Grandmother Willow. I really don't care for this movie. It is Pocohontas with blue people and dinosaurs.

  5. It's the same as Pocahontas which is Dances With Wolves which is A Man Called Horse, etc., etc.
    Love the imagery, love the age-old motifs, but am no more blown away by it than I was with any of the aforementioned films (and was far more impressed with Alice In Wonderland for that matter)... but just because it's not the greatest movie ever made doesn't mean I didn't love it on its own merits. To those who are feeling clinical depression because they cannot literally live in Pandora, I say get real. Less hype, more substance, please!

  6. I've heard people call it "Pocahontas" too. It's just not high on my list to see. Plus I hate people jumping all over me about something that I "have to" do. Just makes me dig my feet in more!

  7. I haven't seen it. Heard it referred to as "Dances With Wolves in Space" and felt I knew the plot.

    Perhaps a DVD rental some wintry day . . .

  8. LOL! Thanks everyone.

    In a movie about destroying the enviroment...the forest spirit in Princess Mononoke is bright blue...just like the tree people in Avatar. Hummm....really? :D

    Princess Mononoke is much better...just saying.


  9. We call Avatar " Dances with Wolves with Blue People."

    Princess Mononoke is how I am going to start the first serious talk with my kids on people vs environment. Covers the topic beautifully.

  10. Mikki - yes it does. One of my favorite films, ever.


  11. I haven't seen it, when movies have to use gimmicks like 3-D to sell it, it's not my cup of arsenic!
    It's amazing how many people in the movie biz get weak in the knees when you say "James Cameron".
    I think he peaked with Pirahna 2. :)

  12. Man I havent see that one since it first landed on VHS back in high school, I will have to be sure and check it out again! I remember it being a visually stunning film!


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