Gardens are usually

bright colorful places full of plants that have lovely names like Dalia, Delphinium, Lady's Mantel, Swan flower, Inca lily....soft and lovely.

Leave it to me to buy: a rose called Black Magic (I think I now have two), a tomato called Black Prince and a black bell pepper (Mavras Bell).

I could say I that the name had nothing to do with influencing my buying decision....but I would be lying :D


  1. Oh, who wants an ordinary garden anyway? You're versatile -- and speaking of which, there's a Versatile Blogger Award for you over at my blog (June 6th post)!

  2. I am going to find some of those black god as my witness I will!

  3. Lol - I wonder what my choices say about me... I bought a "chocolate" mint plant, and a brown pepper also called..."chocolate." Hmmm... Wish I'd found the black one though - cool!

  4. So beautiful!!! I'm striving for a black garden too =) I have: black calla lilies, black pearl pepper plants, mini black elephant ears and some thing called "dark angel". I LOVE your choice of roses!!!

  5. Wonderful picks! Love the peppers! :0)

  6. Remember the boxed chocs called Black Magic? Much more edible than roses. People eat roses after they watch those silly gastro-porn cooking shows. "Oh yes, just dip it in egg white and icing sugar...ho, ho!"

    Sorry, rambled there. Nice fruit 'n veg, well done etc, etc,


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