It is hard to believe

that there could ever be a show on TV that I would have to watch, but if this guy wins, it just might happen.

Apparently Oprah is having some contest where she is asking people about ideas for hosting their own show. And you guessed it, there is a guy out here pitching a show about haunting. It looks something like a haunt off kinda of competition. Sounds like all kinds of fun.

Although it looks a bit out of my league (the Graveyard is not really a haunt and if I win I rather have my choice of stuff from a hardware store than a decoration warehouse) but it looks like it would be fun to watch. And I am all over supporting anything that promotes decorating for Halloween! (The more the merrier I say!)

The guy has a great idea and it really looks like his heart is in it. And you cannot tell me that it would not be a kick to see haunters compete - imagine all the inspiring things we would see.

So, head over and give James your support by voting for his idea.


  1. I voted!!! That would be awesome!!

  2. I voted, too....
    Sounds like a great idea.

  3. I love the idea and I voted! Just as long as I don't have to participate 'cause I have a huge startle reflex and it doesn't take much to make me jump about six feet!

  4. I wonder how much appeal it will have to the masses. I voted :)

  5. I voted too! Horror sells at the movies, and reality shows hog up the TV, so maybe this show has a chance. I hope so, because then I would have a reason to watch TV.

  6. Ha! This is a great idea, and I'm glad to see the Haunt Community getting a shot to put something out there that might actually expand and inspire haunt culture.

    I hope they end every episode by letting James tear corpses apart with his bare hands. I'd tune into every show just to see that happen.

  7. I'm in...That would be one of the greatest things to hit the tube in years...

  8. I just voted too.
    For the first time in my life, I have a modicum of respect for a reality show.

  9. How cool! Now that would be a fun show!

  10. how cool is this? I'd love to see this guy I voted! thanks for the info on this.


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