My answer from now on is

"No.  I would love to help you but, no."

This is mostly to let you all know to help me, if I do something stupid like volunteer to do a logo or anything like that for you....remind me of the above statement.

Between now and the end of July, this is my life.  Just in case you were wondering what the Davis Graveyard looks like from behind the scences.

Day Job
For my work I have our Annual Meeting (my favorite event in the whole wide world) and an very large, fancy (black tie and ball gown) and high stress Wine Auction for a local children's hospital.

Home Haunters DVD collection
We (mostly husband) have been collecting all the haunts - editing and creating some of the videos - then fitting them all on the DVDs - mastering the DVDs (we are eating through a whole lot of DVDs burning and watching, correcting and then repeat) - checking for spelling and all that good stuff.  I am going to apologize in advance to those of you that I am going to mess up spelling on - no matter how many times we proof it, something is going to be wrong.   We created new intro screens and all kinds of fancy stuff....yes, we are over achievers.  Get the cover designed and ready to go.

Then we can start selling them to raise money to actually have them made.  After that, send them off to be mastered and created and then packaged and mailed out.

I really wanted to get the website updated on this one....but that is going to have to wait. (Thanks to Pumpkinbrain for offering to help, I will be in touch)

Home Haunters Video Awards
Finding judges (thank you, thank you to all of them) for the awards.  Collecting that information and talling up the winners.  Ordering the awards and getting the plaques made.  Then mailing them out to the winners.  Posting the winners on the forums and website.  Congrats in advance to every one....there can only be a few winners, but you all did a great job.

Spiderfest 2010
I did not forget about this....I know that my actions would say otherwise.  I have been working on the photos for all the fantastic people that sent me a spider.  Thanks, I think :)  I am going to get them printed and framed and then take a tally of shirt sizes and get everyone out a shirt.  My original plan was to pass this off to another haunter this year - and keep doing that year after year.  So I need to get that moving and see if anyone is interested in taking up the mantle.  Watch the Spiderfest blog for details.

We are heading up the Take N' Make section of the event (with a lot of help from the fabulous Karen) - so outside of our two classes we have to get all the information from the people making the class for the website and the program.  Then we have to make sure all the materials are there for all the classes,which includes printing the handouts.  We will arrive a day early to Hauntcon to go supply shopping and get the room ready.

Teaching a Davis Graveyard Tombstone class.  I have to design the tombstone, create a handout, print the epitaphs and get accents ready.    Tombstone classes normally don't do well I am told - we are telling them that our tombstones are differnent and we fill up classes at our house every year......I hope we are right.

Teaching how to create the stack of books with a skull and an candle on top.  This is the companion piece to my HP Lovecraft tombstone.  I love it.  One of my favorite follies.  We have to pour skulls, get the handout and supplies ready.  Like I said I love this prop, lets hope others do too.

I wake up in the middle of the night terrified that we are going to do all this stuff for Hauntcon and no one is going to sign up for our stuff and Leonard never talks to us again......really, not kidding.

Demonstration Seminar
Foam texturing techniques.  We are basically going to try to fill the gap left by Bad Boys at Hauntcon (they will not be there this year.)  We need to create an outline and a PowerPoint presentation.  Now this one freaks me out.  These are huge shoes to fill.  They are were we learned most of our stuff can we even possibly hope to pull this off.  I just hope we do not suck too much.  We are riding on the coat tails of working on the Extreme Home Makeover project.....lets see if all that work we did to use that logo pays off. :D

Printing & Marketing
I am handling the a postcard mailing to both vendors and attendees, including extras to handout at Transworld.  I am creating a media kit and getting the Wikipedia site online.  I am then creating the full color program for the event.

Making a Graveyard - The Davis Graveyard Way
We are going to spend all day on Monday making a small version of our graveyard.  We figure after we practically killed ourselves on the Nightmare Factory, we should be able to pull this off.  Let us hope we are right.  To try to make this more intersting....we are going raffle off the whole set up to one lucky attendee.

West Coast Haunters Convention
Helping with by creating a program and any other printed materials he needs.  I have really been slacking on this one, I have much more I need to do.  Got to get moving.

Tombstone Workshop
Teaching our famous tombstone class.  Hope people show up :)

Foam Carving Seminar
Same seminar that we will have done at Hauntcon a few weeks earlier....this will be a piece of cake.  Right? :D

Where I live 
Husband is chairman of the arts committee...there is always something interesting going on there :D
I just started a Facebook Page for the Neighborhood Association and told everyone I would "keep it up" :)
We have a community garden terrace thing that needs weeding and tending to, and we need to get on that sooner than later.

We are going to have a wedding in my garden in July.....and last week part of the garden fence collapsed and needs to be replaced :D

I am supposed to be redecorating my office......I got the lath and plaster ceiling fixed yesterday and the blinds ordered.....that is a start.  And there is a long list of around the house projects that need to be done.

And we still have not cleaned the shop from Halloween!!

I did plan on creating some stuff and getting it on Etsy....Ha!

So what am I doing to google "how to clone a person"!!!


  1. See...when you write it down it doesn't seem like much huh?

  2. ROFL!!! Yeah, looks totally manageable in a list! :D

    Let us see if our marriage can survive - just remember I luvs matter what I say or what I throw at you you in the next few months :D


  3. Minions, my Queen. You need many, many minions to whom you can delegate.

  4. And I thought MY schedule was crowded! You truly seem to be a selfless person!

  5. You have a lot to do, there's no doubt about it. With such a schedule, where do you find the time to sleep?


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