Found the perfect place

to go when the zombie apocalypse occurs....which is any day now I am sure.

Not only is it perfect....but it is in the UK...kinda like going on vacation!  But we are backing weapons instead of 10 pairs of shoes! :)

They are called the Maunsell Sea forts.

Are those not the coolest things ever!?  We all know that zombies cannot swim....right?  At least I am pretty sure they cannot swim.....even if they could swim....that is a long climb.....yeah, I would feel safe here.

They were built to fight off the Germans in WWII - so I am sure they will be perfect against a zombie attack...they look a little rusted though, better stop by the hospital and pick up some tetanus shots (jabs) and some antibiotics :D

An a lot of guns and ammo.....and all the tofu jerky I can carry :D

Okay, silliness over....back to prop building!!


  1. Hey, it's in the UK! I'm not that far!

  2. Guillaume - since you are closest, can you get their first and save me a place! :D


  3. Well I'm in Myrtle Beach S.C. so I think I will start building one right now. I'll just do a little at a time when I come here every year for vacation. :)

  4. Holy crap those things are wicked gorgeous! I wanna go see 'em & photograph 'em and climb up in them; zombie apocalypse be damned!

  5. Don't forget your fishing pole! Walmart may be a little hard to get to for food...

  6. Might want to buy some paint too so they don't rust out.

  7. Wow! I have never seen anything like those. Save me a spot when the zombies come.

  8. Rust doesn't cause tetanus.
    Under causes it says the bacterium live in the soil. A rusty nail breaking the skin would only provide a means for the bacteria to enter the body.
    And as those sea forts are in the ocean far from land (soil) the risk of tetanus is very, very low.

  9. Kulkuri - you are smart....we need people like you at these forts...I will send you a map - meet us there!! LOL!


  10. I've never seen or heard of those before. They look cool! Definitely a good place to go in the event of the zombie apocalypse!


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