Full time haunter

that is what I am right now.  I am currently among the unemployed :(

Life happens, looking for a new path....on the way to that I am going to be working on our haunt, getting a few things done around the house.....and finally I have time to put stuff in the Etsy store!

I have some accents and epitaphs up right now.  I will be adding some of my "Frog Queen Folly" creations later this week.  Looking forward to having time to create a few new things....and working through the gap :D

Thanks everyone for your support....on to the next adventure!


  1. Oh no.....that sucks. Hopefully something will turn up soon. Spent part of Sunday with Mort and the Baron. Told them all about the hard work you did on the deaf school haunt. They didn't see the Extreme Makeover home edition episode.

  2. Thanks for sharing with them. Missed seeing them there and sorry we could not make it to Frightfest.

    I will have to get them a copy of the episode :)


  3. That does suck. I hope this offers an opportunity for even better things.

    I don't think you have much of a "gap" to work through. You do excellent work!

  4. Wishing you the best of luck in all you do!

  5. I hope you get a lot done while you look for a new job. Good luck!

  6. I feel your pain. I was unemployed for a year and a half recently. Or "between jobs" as I liked to say (sounds less depressing). The upside is that you now have time to focus on activities you love. Enjoy the time while you have it. :)

  7. Sorry to hear that you're out of work. The little home graphic design business that my husband runs is really struggling in this world economy, too. Advertising and design are always the first things to be dropped from budgets! I hope things turn around for you soon!!

  8. Too bad about the job. I hope you'll find something even better in the near future.

  9. I hope you find an even better job!

  10. You are awesome. Forget a 9-5 you could make a living at haunting!

  11. Aw...that's rotten! I'm really sorry to hear that. It seems to be the story of more and more folks these days! On the bright side...you guys have so much talent, I bet you truly could parlay that into something fulltime. Where there is a will, there is a way! I'll be sending you lots of positive vibes for the next door that opens to be a REALLY FABULOUS one!

  12. I agree with PumpkinAbbey,

    It's no tragedy to be unemployed, it's your life, and your time, it's downright unethical to spend it working for someone else's lousy ends.

    Feed your passions, they are your most valuable commodity.

  13. Yuck. Job hunting is so frustrating these days. I hope you get something good soon. Any chance you could start up your own business?

  14. Hate it when Life happens like that! But when one door closes, another opens (we know this all too well in our household!).
    Be open to the possibilities that Life has to offer....
    Best of Luck on those new possibilities! :0)

  15. I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason, I think something bigger and better is headed you way.

    Good things happen to good people, and your good people!!!

  16. Ack!! I'm sorry to hear about the job situation. It's a tough time right now, that's for sure. I hope you find something soon!!

  17. i would say welcome to the club, but the club is threw the roof... may the luck find you quick...


  18. "Full time hunter," freelance writer... why not think that you are getting into something different? I was terrified when I first left big corporate America to write and go to school full time. It took a little while to find enough clients (through writing) to actually be able to pay the bills, but after it happened, it stayed and gods am I happy?

    You are so talented. And you already have your Etsy shop; maybe now you just have more time to promote your creepy goodness and come up with more amazing things ;-)

    I'm sending you all kinds of lucky wishes.

  19. Sorry for this, but on the plus side, like many people here said already, you have your shop and you also have your creativity. I was unemployed for nearly a year and it is never a nice feeling. But it is not a permanent state and you get through it eventually, often in a better situation as you were before.

  20. I know you'll find something even better.

    If not, Jeff needs to go back to pole dancing.

  21. Losing a job is never easy, I have been through it myself but my best wishes go out to you to find something new that you will love!

  22. Morning Miss Frog Queen. Last night I ordered your DVD off of Etsy. *excited* When doors shut, new ones open. So keep those postive thoughts flowing. I admire your haunting skills from afar. Thank you.

  23. I know how it feels. I have been unemployed for a few months in 2003. I took it personal and it was very difficult for me. Then I found a job that was not exactly what i was wanting to do as a programmer. In the end it gave much more than what I was expecting. These are though times for America, but it is only a question of time before economy get better. Best of luck to you in your search for a new job.

  24. Thanks everyone! I have the best blogger friends!!



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