Had a baby

...this weekend!!!
Hum , you look confused :)
I managed to marry a zombie and have a zombie baby!!!
Hummmmm, you look more confused.....husband is not a zombie......did the redhead finally kill husband? Ah, we knew that was going to happen.......
No, no, no........let me explain.
The MANY graveyards alone is enough reason to play Fable 2, but the best one is that you can marry the zombie Lady Grey (who is bisexual by the way, fun for everyone. :) Anyway, you live in the Mansion in the cemetery and you can raise a family......of zombies!!!! A perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon. (If you are a geek)
But by Monday night.....the bad guy killed my family. That is why he is dead now. :)
It was fun while it lasted.
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